Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Werder Insel

Check out Jasmine's Comment about the day (by clicking on 1 Comments!)


Jasmine said...

Wow, where do I begin?! Today was such a beautiful day with unexpectedly hot weather. We began by attending 3 classes with our German host brothers/sisters. For me, was very difficult because I had double chemistry first, and it is hard enough in english, let alone in "blah blah blah" :) but it was great to compare their lessons with ours back home. Many of us also watched their PE lesson which was just 30 minutes of jogging - we were all quite happy not to join in!
After our third lesson we all went on a walking tour through Werder, guided by English-speaking students from their school. All the buildings were so amazing and it's nothing like you would ever see in NZ, because their history is so old. We learnt a lot about Werder's history and how it has grown so much since it was founded.
But the best bit about the day for me (and all the others with their jeans melted onto them from the heat) was when we stopped for icecream at Werder's favourite icecream parlour "Janny Eis" =D es war sehr lecker!
Afterwards, we all walked back to their school and watched an interesting presentation of NZ by Mr Black, for the German students. We also had a shared lunch and we got to see the German stundents who came to NZ last year, which was really fun!
If I could do today all over again, I would instantly - Werder is one of the most fascinating and amazing places I've ever seen =D

Marija said...

Message for Frau Zimmer & Herr Black - You should be able to access your LC emails now :)